Everything you DIDN’T see in “Home Alone On The Wiki 2, The Cure, Chapter 2: Fire Injection”

2 min readMay 3, 2021

It comes as no surprise that some things just had to be cut from the final version, from art to tiny story details, we’ll go through it all.


Ah yes, the art itself obviously isn’t made on its first try, my artist @kitjiko definitely knows that.

The thumbnail itself had to be remade THREE times before it became official. Look below for all the versions.

Here’s the first version of it, although it looks nice, @kitjiko had to remake it due to it looking nothing like what I had intended, a burning building.

Second version:

The second version looks very similar to the official thumbnail, but it has the FANDOM logo and lacks two burning windows.


Here it is! The official thumbnail (No text)
The thumbnail again (But with text)

Panel 2:

This one didn’t nearly take as long. Below are the two versions.

Here’s the first version, it had to be scrapped due to Sisay being shadowed. (He’s unshadowed) and Esper’s shirt being red. Additionally, Sisay was supposed to look into the distance anyway.


Final version! Everything mentioned above was fixed! It looks nice, doesn’t it?

Panel 3:

This once again took three attempts to finally nail.

Version 1:

Although it looks super clean and nice, it didn’t meet my standards.

Version 2:

Well — yeah. This was the second version, which obviously had to be scrapped. Though the vending machine was a nice touch.


Here’s the final product, it looks nice. And an easter egg was added in here. Can you find it? (Hint: It isn’t the note on the wall.)

Panel 4:

This panel only took one attempt, which is a good thing considering it was finished two days before the chapter released.

Let’s just hope that Sisay is OK. You don’t want any more people lost before they have to be.


Well, that concludes it. Have a wonderful day! Hope you’re looking forward to chapter 3.




Creator of the HAOTW series. Thanks for stopping by!